Pitch Deck Templates and Guidelines by Top Global Accelerators

A good pitch deck can accelerate your fundraising process and put you on track for a great deal. It is essential to get it right and get investors hooked on your idea. Conversely, a bad pitch deck can slow down your fundraising process by months or close many doors.

A quick search on Google for pitch decks will lead you to endless, rich results. You will find outstanding template designs and even pitch decks used by giants. This time, we want to share with you templates and guidelines according to the top well-known accelerators. These accelerators deal annually with thousands of startups and screen them to invest in the best of the best.

Their insights on good pitch decks are highly relevant. This is especially true for early-stage founders, where accelerators dedicate most of their funds to. Here is the list of top guidelines and templates provided by accelerators.

  1. 500 Startups: 500 Startups offers a comprehensive pitch deck outline and a 10-page pitch deck template for download.

  1. Techstars: Techstars provides a comprehensive pitch deck outline, a pitch deck template, and general tips on design and document preparation through their “Fundraise Faster” series.

  1. Founder Institute: The Founder Institute offers a highly detailed guide for creating a pitch deck, elevator pitch, and 1-minute introduction, as well as a pitch deck template.

  1. Y Combinator: Y Combinator provides great tips for making a seed round pitch deck and design through their blog posts on the subject.

  1. Sequoia Capital: While Sequoia Capital doesn’t provide a pitch deck template, they offer a carefully designed pitch deck outline for startups to follow.

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