Bridge Loan

What is a Bridge Loan?

A bridge loan is a type of short-term loan taken out by a business to cover operating or capital expenses until longer-term financing can be arranged. The loan is typically paid back once long-term financing is in place. The loan is backed by collateral such as assets or the inventory of a business. Additionally, borrowers should be aware that bridge loans are typically more expensive than traditional financing due to the higher risk associated with the loan.


Understanding Bridge Loan 

Bridge loans are usually used to finance the purchase of a new home before the borrower’s current home is sold. Bridge loans are generally short-term loans with a term of one year or less. Bridge loans can be an attractive financing option for borrowers who are unable to obtain traditional financing. Bridge loans can finance the purchase of a new property or the rehabilitation of an existing property. Bridge loans can also provide working capital for a real estate investment business.

How Bridge loan works

Bridge loans are typically used in the real estate industry. This type of loan allows the borrower to bridge the gap between purchasing the new home and selling the old home. The loan is typically secured by the property being purchased. The main advantage of a bridge loan is that it allows the borrower to purchase their new home without having to wait for their existing home to sell.



In conclusion, the bridge loan is a short-term loan to cover the gap between the sale of an asset and the receipt of the purchase price. Bridge loans can be used to cover a wide range of situations, including real estate purchases, foreclosure, and divorce proceedings.